Current CV


  • November 2016 – September 2021 / Ph.D. / Middle East Technical University, Social Psychology, Ankara, Türkiye, 4.00/4.00
    • Thesis: The effect of the content of intergroup contact and ingroup identification on support for social change among advantaged group members
  • October 2014 – August 2016 / M.Sc. / Mersin University, Social Psychology, Mersin, Türkiye, 3.93/4.00
    • Thesis: The relationships between group norms, identification, and ingroup bias
  • September 2010 – June 2014 / B.A. / Uludag University, Psychology, Bursa, Türkiye, 3.59/4.00

Work Experience

Teaching Experience

In order to have an active and productive discussion during class, I answer these three questions in the first lesson of all my courses: What is knowledge? What is scientific knowledge? What are the sources of scientific knowledge? In this way, I aim to enable students to develop arguments and counterarguments in accordance with scientific principles during the course. This ensures that discussions are carried out within a scientific framework.

Experiences as a Corresponding Lecturer

Western University, Canada, Lecturer (2025-Current).

  • Theories in Psychology – Graduate level – 1 semester – 2 hours of theoretical lecture & 1 hours of laboratory practice – MA in Research for Policy and Evaluation
    • The distinction between scientific knowledge and everyday knowledge, fundamental concepts of statistics, hypothesis testing, relationship testing, testing structures and reliability, testing simple and complex models, the decision tree approach and alternative statistical approaches, basic criticisms of statistical approaches..

King’s University College of Western University, Canada, Lecturer (2024-Current).

  • Theories in Psychology – Undergraduate level – 2 semester – 3 hours of theoretical – Department of Psychology
    • The origins of scientific knowledge, the emergence of psychology, the relation of the First and Second World Wars to the theoretical development of psychology, the perspective and changes in psychology in the 1960s, the struggle of psychologists against racism and sexism, current psychological theories, the struggle for decolonization in psychology

Erzurum Technical University, Department of Psychology, Türkiye, Assistant Professor (2021-2023).

  • Introduction to Psychology I & II – Undergraduate level – 2 semesters – 3 hours of theoretical – Department of Psychology
    • The origins of researching the behaviour, our biology and genetic material, consciousness, perception, learning and conditioning, personality, stress and motivation, psychopathology and abnormal psychology, emotions, intergroup behaviour, cultural and intercultural behaviour, current discussions in psychology, and areas of application of psychology.
  • Introduction to Psychology – Undergraduate level – 1 semester – 2 hours of theoretical – Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
    • The appearance of psychology, evolution, genetics and behaviour, developmental psychology, learning and behaviour, language and behaviour, drives and motives, senses, perceptions, clinical psychology and abnormal behaviours, subfields of psychology, and application areas of psychology.
  • Contemporary Topics in Social Psychology I & II – Undergraduate level – 2 semesters – 3 hours of theoretical – Department of Psychology
    • Social identities and intergroup behaviour, advantages and disadvantages of intergroup contact, the irony of harmony studies, realistic threat in an intercultural context, migration and refugee studies, racism and discrimination on the global rise, perception of justice in different societies
  • Statistics I & II – Undergraduate Level – 4 semesters – 2 hours of theoretical lecture & 2 hours of laboratory practice – Department of Psychology
    • Variable types, hypothesis logic, evidence and probability, measuring behaviour, causality and relationship, significance and error in measurement, measures of central tendency, cross-tabulation, normality tests, data visualization and reading visualized data, decision tree approach, parametric and non-parametric logic, correlation tests, one-sample proportion test, one-sample t-test, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test, independent samples t-test, Welch test, Mann-Whitney U test, one-way analysis of variance, multi-way analysis of variance, Kruskal -Wallis test, t-test for dependent samples, analysis of variance for repeated measures, Wilcoxon Rank test, Friedman test, linear regression, logistic regression, multiple linear regression, hierarchical regression, simple mediation analysis, simple moderation analysis, statistical power, reliability, exploring the structure.
  • Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology – Undergraduate level – 2 semesters – 2 hours of theoretical lecture & 2 hours of laboratory practice – Department of Psychology
    • Brief history of measuring behaviour, relationship between measurement and mathematics, digitization of measurements, standardization, profiles and norms, meanings of numbers, conversion of measurements to standard values, detecting extreme values, reliability, validity, current measurement tools used in diagnosis.
  • Experimental Psychology – Undergraduate level – 2 semesters – 3 hours of theoretical – Department of Psychology
    • Study of behaviour, a brief history of studying behaviour experimentally, observation and relationship, causality, basic and fundamental concepts in experimental psychology, factorial designs, single participant designs, online experimental designs, manipulation tasks, manipulation controls, ethical rules and ethical decision making in experimental psychology, reviewing the literature, write a report, publishing procedure.
  • Analysis of Qualitative Data in Psychology – Undergraduate level – 2 semesters – 3 hours of theoretical – Department of Psychology
    • The state of knowledge in nature and subjectivity, real and perceived truth, reactions and transformation to the positivist paradigm, qualitative data and qualitative method discussion, analysis in terms of social constructionist paradigm, analysis in terms of post-positivist paradigm, reliability and validity alternatives in qualitative data, content analysis, thematic analysis, interpretive phenomenological analysis process, social representations as qualitative data
  • Research Project I & II in Social Psychology – Undergraduate level – 4 semesters – 2 hours of theoretical & 2 hours of practice – Department of Psychology
    • As part of this course, students completed research individually or in groups from beginning to end. Two of these projects have been published and two of these projects are under review.

Experiences as a Teaching Assistant

Middle East Technical University, Department of Psychology, Türkiye, Jr. Researcher (2016-2021).

  • Cultural and Intercultural Psychology – Undergraduate level – 1 semester – 3 hours of theoretical – Department of Psychology
    • Culture, anthropological roots of cultural studies, acculturation, inter-societal interaction, geography and behaviour relationship, migration and refugee studies, universal behaviours between groups, unique behaviours, and current decolonialism studies.
  • Social Identity – Undergraduate level – 1 semester – 3 hours of theoretical – Department of Psychology
    • The origins of the social identity approach, Muzafer Sherif’s effects on intergroup behaviour studies, intergroup discrimination, self-categorization and well-being, and criticisms of social identity theory
  • Advanced Statistics – Graduate level – 3 semesters – 3 hours of theoretical & 3 hours of laboratory practice – Department of Psychology
    • Multivariate statistical analyses, cluster analysis, dominance analysis, confirmatory factor analyses, structural equation analyses, path analysis, measurement invariance.

Mersin University, Department of Psychology, Türkiye, Jr. Researcher (2014-2016).

  • Social Psychology I & II – Undergraduate level – 2 semesters – 3 hours of theoretical – Department of Psychology
    • History of social psychology, fundamental theories and methods in social psychology, social perception, attribution theories, social cognition, impression, self, attitudes and changing attitudes, close relationships, intergroup behaviour, productivity, and intercultural behaviour.
  • Social Psychology – Undergraduate level – 1 semester – 2 hours of theoretical – Department of Journalism
    • Fundamental theories of social psychology, social perception, attitudes and changing attitudes, intergroup behaviour, intercultural behaviour, and psychology of fake news.
  • Current Readings in Social Psychology – Undergraduate level – 2 semesters – 3 hours of theoretical – Department of Psychology
    • Intergroup conflict, conflict de-escalation and resolution, language and conflict relationship, intergroup contact and conflict, contemporary social identity studies, contact and perceived threat, personality and perceived threat, current migration studies in the context of social identity and intergroup contact.
  • Advanced Statistics & Structural Equation Modelling – Graduate level – 2 semesters – 2 hours of theoretical & 1 hour of laboratory practice
    • Introduction to multivariate statistics, Hotelling T2, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modelling, path analysis, and item-response theory.

Volunteer Experience

  • Adjudicator, London, ON, Canada (2024 – Current).
    • Evaluation of various projects for Graduate and Postdoctoral at Western University.
  • Researcher, London, ON, Canada (2024 – Current).
    • Providing consultancy in terms of method and analytical approaches for the IRCC-supported project Immigrant Experiences in London and Middlesex, Ontario.
  • Search & rescue team member, London, ON, Canada (2024 – Current)
    • Search and rescue training and activities within London SAR
  • Organizing assistant, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2024).
    • Helping organize the national conference of Pathways to Prosperity: Canada.
  • Welcoming officer, London, ON, Canada (2024).
    • Facilitating activities that will ease the adaptation process of new students to the university
  • Organizing assistant, Montreal, QC, Canada (2023).
    • Helping organize the national conference of Pathways to Prosperity: Canada.
  • Psychosocial support coordinator, Erzurum, Türkiye (2023).
    • Organizing psychosociological support provided to affected people after the February 2023 earthquake.
  • Search & rescue volunteer, Hatay, Türkiye (2023).
    • Continuing search and rescue activities in the earthquake zone in the February 2023 earthquake.
  • Political psychology lab coordinator, Ankara, Türkiye (2017-2020).
    • Organizing the meetings of the newly established political psychology laboratory in the psychology department and coordinating the research.
  • Search & rescue volunteer, Bursa, Türkiye (2014).
    • Continuing mountain and cave search and rescue activities in the Bursa Uludag ski region, affiliated with the Turkish Search and Rescue Community (AKUT).
  • Field volunteer, Manisa, Türkiye (2014).
    • Assisting organizations affiliated with the Turkish Aeronautical Association (THK) to strengthen the institution financially.

Community Outreach

  • Being aware of the psychosocial effects of the earthquake, Turkish Radio and Television Institution (TRT), Radio talk, March 2023.
  • Establishing a psychosocial support network, Erzurum Technical University, February 2023.
  • Recognition and prevention of neglect and abuse in children, Erzurum, public seminar series, November – December 2022.
  • The relationship between computer games and behaviour, Turkish Psychology Students Study Group, presentation, September 2022.
  • The relationship between computer games and behaviour, Mersin Radio, radio talk, May 2016.

Skills on Software


Blackboard, Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Turnitin, IThenticate – 5/5

Canva, Slack – 4/5


Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint – 5/5

Canvas – 4/5

Statistic & Data Visualization

Jamovi, JASP, SPSS, EQS, G*Power, MorePower – 5/5

BlueSky, AMOS, LISREL – 4/5

Microsoft Power BI, R, Python, Tableau, ARX – 3/5

Experimental Design & Coordination

Qualtrics – 5/5

Sona Systems – 4/5

OpenSesame, MATLAB, Biopac System, FormR – 3/5

Web Design

Drupal – 5/5

WordPress – 4/5

HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript – 3/5


Peer-reviewed articles

Cologna, V., Mede, N. G., Berger, S., Besley, J. C., Brick, C., Joubert, M., … Çoksan, S., … Linden, S. (in press). Trust in scientists and their role in society across 68 countries. Nature Human Behaviour.

Mede, N. G., Cologna, V., Berger, S., Besley, J., Brick, C., Joubert, M., Maibach, E., Mihelj, S., Oreskes, N., Schäfer, M. S., … Çoksan, S., … van der Linden, S., et al. (in press). Perceptions of science, science communication, and climate change attitudes in 68 countries: The TISP dataset. Scientific Data.

Bagci, S. Ç., Çoksan, S., Tercan, M., & Türnüklü, A. (2024). Do positive and negative intergroup contact create shifts in ingroup and outgroup attitudes over time: A three-wave longitudinal study testing alternative mediation models. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 34(6), e70011. Doi: 10.1002/casp.70011

Uysal, M. S., Çoksan, S., & Kessler, T. (2024). How does collective punishment harm intergroup relations through ingroup homogeneity, perceived fairness, and counter-collective action?: A registered report. Political Psychology. Doi: 10.1111/pops.13028.

Sayılan, G., Çoksan, S., & Can, M. (2024). Differences in acculturation orientations of advantaged and disadvantaged members of the host community in Türkiye toward newcomers: The roles of ethnic and national identification and perceived outgroup threat. Community Psychology in Global Perspective, 10(2), 46-70. Doi: 10.1285/i24212113v10i2-2p46

Çoksan, S., Kekeli, B., Turgut, B., & Sağdış, E. (2024). Personality traits and common ingroup identity: Support for refugee policies among host members. Changing Societies & Personalities, 8(3), 713–735. Doi: 10.15826/csp.2024.8.3.296

Çoksan, S., & Yilmaz, A. D. (2024). Focusing on fake news’ contents: The association between ingroup identification, perceived outgroup threat, analytical-intuitive thinking and detecting fake news. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 24(1), 102-132. Doi: 10.1111/asap.12371

Uygur, M. R., Eser, H. B., Çoksan, S., & Sarıdağ, S. (2024). Multiculturalism, social distance, and xenophobia among non-weird individuals toward Syrian refugees: Positive and negative emotions as moderators. Current Psychology, 43, 22859–22871. Doi: 10.1007/s12144-024-06001-9

Çoksan, S., Erdugan, C., Öner-Özkan, B. (2023). The common other Syrian: The Syrian refugee representation in the context of social identity and realistic threat. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 38(92), 103-123. Doi: 10.31828/turkpsikoloji.1352225

Yasin-Tekizoğlu, F., Çoksan, S., & Göncü-Köse, A.(2023). Quality or quantity? A review of psychology graduate programs in Türkiye. Turkish Psychological Articles, 26(52), 30-48. Doi: 10.31828/tpy1301996120231219m000059

Buchanan, E. M., Lewis, S. C., Paris, B., Forscher, P. S., Pavlacic, J. M., Beshears, J. E., … Çoksan, S., … & Vega, D. (2023). The Psychological Science Accelerator’s COVID-19 rapid-response dataset. Scientific Data, 10(1), 87. Doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01811-7

Erden, G., Çoksan, S., Özdoğru, A. A., Ergül-Topçu, A., Azak, Y., Uçar, G. K., … & Yasak, Y. (2023). Turkish University Students’ Social Support, Daily Activities, Self-Supportive and Health Risk Behaviors During COVID-19 Pandemic. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 54(1), 37-47. Doi: 10.24425/ppb.2023.143371

Küçük, S. S., & Çoksan, S. (2023). The mediating role of the perception of traditionalist gender roles in career choice on the association between egalitarian gender perception and STEM-related career preference among third (junior-level) and fourth (senior-level) grade high school students. Universal Journal of History and Culture, 5(1), 1-15. Doi: 10.52613/ujhc.1167573

Alma, L., Çoksan, S., & Koca-Atabey, M. (2023). Colors of hearings: A subjective experience of synesthesia among six siblings. AYNA Journal of Clinical Psychology, 10(1), 124-144. Doi: 10.31682/ayna.1144465

Çoksan, S., Şahin, S. M., & Yıldız-Çoksan, S. (2023). The protective role of perceived parental guidance on the association between playing violent video games, identification with the game character and aggression among Turkish boys. Youth Voice Journal, 13(1), 3-24.  

Çoksan, S., & Cingöz-Ulu, B. (2022). Group norms moderate the effect of identification on ingroup bias. Current Psychology, 41(1), 64-75. Doi: 10.1007/s12144-021-02091-x

Legate, N., Ngyuen, T. V., Weinstein, N., Moller, A., Legault, L., Vally, Z., … Çoksan, S., … & Ogbonnaya, C. E. (2022). A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(22), e2111091119. Doi: 10.1073/pnas.2111091119

Şahin, A., Bekir, S. A. R. I., Güler, B., & Çoksan, S. (2022). Investigating the moderating role of positive intergroup contact on the association between authoritarianism and homophobia among heterosexual young adults. Current Research in Social Sciences, 8(2), 60-72. Doi: 10.30613/curesosc.1162897

Çoksan, S., Cingöz-Ulu, B., Sayilan, G., & Solak, N. (2022). Ingroup identification, and ingroup bias: The role of group norms. Dokuz Eylül University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, 24(1), 261-300. Doi: 10.16953/deusosbil.1037698

Dorison, C. A., Lerner, J. S., Heller, B. H., Rothman, A. J., Kawachi, I. I., Wang, K., … Çoksan S., … & Pantazi, M. (2022). In COVID-19 health messaging, loss framing increases anxiety with little-to-no concomitant benefits: Experimental evidence from 84 countries. Affective Science, 3(3), 577-602. Doi: 10.1007/s42761-022-00128-3

Van de Velde, S., Buffel, V., Van Der Heijde, C., Çoksan, S., Bracke, P., Abel, T., & Wouters, E. (2021). Depressive symptoms in higher education students during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. An examination of the association with various social risk factors across multiple high-and middle-income countries. SSM-Population Health, 16, 100936. Doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2021.100936

Erden, G., Özdoğru, A. A., Çoksan, S., Ögel-Balaban, H., Azak, Y., Altınoğlu-Dikmeer, İ., … & Baytemir, G. (2022). Social contact, academic satisfaction, COVID-19 knowledge, and subjective well-being among students at Turkish Universities: a nine-university sample. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17(4), 2017-2039. Doi: 10.1007/s11482-021-10019-7

Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C. A., Miller, J. K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J. S., … Çoksan, S., … & Štrukelj, E. (2021). A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Human Behaviour, 5(8), 1089-1110. Doi: 10.1038/s41562-021-01173-x

Şahin, S. M., & Çoksan, S. (2020). The relationship between attachment styles, love types, emotional expression and life satisfaction. Kalem Journal of Education and Human Sciences, 10(2), 597-619. Doi: 10.23863/kalem.2020.168

Yıldız-Çoksan, S., Aslan, A., Çoksan, S., & Okuyaz, Ç. (2019). Cognitive profile and academic achievement of children with absence epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 95, 95-99. Doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2019.04.001

Yıldız-Çoksan, S., & Çoksan, S. (2019). Beliefs of non-deaf adults about deaf individuals in terms of demographic variables: A descriptive preliminary study. Ankara University Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 147-155. Doi: 10.33537/sobild.2019.10.2.13

Çoksan, S. (2019). Causal attribution of in-group favoritism and equal allocation between in and out-group. NESNE, 7(14), 83-101. Doi: 10.7816/nesne-07-14-06

– Book chapters

Çoksan, S. & Üzümçeker, E. (2023). Fundamental characteristics in the process of obtaining qualitative data. In H. Peker-Dural & M. Karasu (Eds.), Qualitative research methods with examples of psychology applications (pp. 54-86). Nobel Publishing. ISBN:978-625-397-925-6

Çoksan, S. (2022). Social change for disadvantaged groups. In V. Tanrıverdi & S. Ercan (Eds.), Diversity in social psychology (pp. 275-302). Nobel Publishing. ISBN:978-625-427-568-5

Çoksan, S. (2022). Why do people avoid social change towards equality? Irony of harmony studies within the framework of intergroup contact theory. In M. B. Bulut (Ed.), I, other and we: Social psychology (pp. 295-312). Nobel Publishing. ISBN:978-625-427-003-1

Üzümçeker E., & Çoksan, S. (2021). Social representation theory. In M. B. Bulut (Ed.), Theories of social psychology – II (pp. 61-82). Nobel Publishing. ISBN:978-625-417-103-1

Çoksan, S. (2021). Intergroup contact theory. In M. B. Bulut (Ed.), Theories of social psychology – I (pp. 19-58). Nobel Publishing. ISBN:978-625-439-244-3

Çoksan, S. (2020). Application of social psychology to the field of intergroup conflict. In C. Ş. Çukur & G. Sayılan (Eds.), Applied social psychology (pp. 252-292). Nobel Publishing. ISBN:978-605-033-081-6


  • The moderating role of ingroup norms and formations on the effect of ingroup identification on ingroup bias. Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council, rapid support program, PI, 17.100 ₺ (2019-2020)
  • Collective punishment and intergroup relations: Ingroup cohesion, outgroup hostility, and tendency to counteraction. German Research Foundation, Co-PI, ~280.000 € (2025-2028).
  • Reciprocal gifting as an intergroup contact intervention: Can gifting among children reduce negative attitudes toward Syrian refugees? Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council, rapid support program, PI, 35.500 ₺ (2023).
  • Trust in science and science-related populism. Harvard University & University of Zurich, researcher, 953 US$ (2023).
  • Do big five and dark triad personality traits predict support for healing social policies? Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council, Undergraduate students research project support program, supervisor, 4.000 ₺ (2023).
  • The effect of anonymity in online games on outgroup tolerance. Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council, Undergraduate students research project support program, supervisor, 4.000 ₺ (2023).
  • Examining the relationship between social media use and body perception among menopausal women. Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council, Undergraduate students research project support program, supervisor, 4.000 ₺ (2023).
  • Examining the effect of legitimate ingroup punishment for perpetrators and non-perpetrators on ingroup consolidation. Erzurum Technical University Scientific Research Projects Unit, research support program, PI, 12.000 ₺ (2023).
  • The effect of ingroup identification and social contact content on attitudes and behaviours toward reducing intergroup inequality. Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council, rapid support program, PI, 31.200 ₺ (2021).
  • Rapid-response COVID-19 project. Psychological Science Accelerator, researcher, 500 US$ (2020-2021).

– Conference Presentations

R. Eloulabi, Çoksan, S., Sadika, B., & Esses, V. (2024). Pro and anti-vaxxers as sheep and barbarians: Dehumanization based on COVID-19 vaccine mandate support. 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), oral presentation, Santiago, Chile.

Çoksan, S., Yaşın-Tekizoğlu, F., Uysal, M. S., Hartwich, L., Alcañiz-Colome, J., & Loughnan, S. (2024). 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), oral presentation, Santiago, Chile.

Uygur, M. R., Eser, H. B., Çoksan, S., & Sarıdağ, S. (2024). Multiculturalism predicts social distance and xenophobia toward refugees through emotions. 33rd International Congress of Psychology, oral presentation, Prague, Czech Republic.

Sayılan, G., Çoksan, S., & Can, M. (2022). The mediating role of perceived outgroup threat on the relationship between ethnic identity and acculturation expectations towards Syrian refugees among advantaged and disadvantaged group members. I. International Social Sciences Congress, oral presentation, İzmir, Türkiye.

Çoksan, S., Sakallı, N., Atalay, E. D. (2022). The relationship between ingroup identification, intergroup contact and support for social policies for disadvantaged group members among advantaged group members. IV. National Social Psychology Congress, oral presentation, İzmir, Türkiye.

Çoksan, S. & Yılmaz, A. D. (2022). What does fake news shared in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic tell us about in terms of social identity approach? IV. National Social Psychology Congress, poster presentation, İzmir, Türkiye.

Çoksan, S., Cingöz-Ulu, B., Sayılan, G., & Solak, N. (2020). Moderating role of the ingroup norms on the association between identification and ingroup bias. The 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), oral presentation.

Özdoğru, A., Erden, H. G., Çoksan, S., Ögel-Balaban, H., Topçu-Aysun, E., Yasak, Y., Dikmeer, D. İ., Azak, Y., Kıral-Uçar, G., & Baytemir, G. (2020). Well-being of university students in COVID-19 pandemic: The case of nine universities in Turkey. 56th National Psychiatry Congress, oral presentation, İstanbul, Türkiye.

Alma-Uzuntuna, L. & Çoksan, S. (2019). Hearings have colors: A mixed design study of synesthesia. XVIth European Congress of Psychology, oral presentation, Moscow, Russia.

Bayrak F., Çoksan, S., Akarsu, A. S., & Sayılan, G. (2019). Who are these fake news sharers? Psychological predictors of fake news sharing. III. National Social Psychology Congress, oral presentation, İstanbul, Türkiye.

Çoksan, S., Erdugan, C., & Öner-Özkan, B. (2018). The common other Syrian: Syrian representation in the context of social identity and realistic conflict. 20rd National Psychology Congress, oral presentation, Ankara, Türkiye.

Yıldız-Çoksan, S., Aslan, A., Çoksan, S., & Okuyaz, Ç. (2018). Examining cognitive profiles of children with absence epilepsy using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children IV and evaluation their academic achievement. IV. International Child Development Congress, oral presentation, Ankara, Türkiye.

Çoksan, S., Şahin, S. M., & Yıldız-Çoksan, S. (2017). Violent games and aggression: Moderator role of parental guidance. XVth European Congress of Psychology, oral presentation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Çoksan, S. & Tekman, H. G. (2016). The relationship of playing war-themed computer games with social distance towards Arab and the US societies. 19th National Psychology Congress, poster presentation, İzmir, Türkiye.

Çoksan, S., & Akgün, S. (2016). The relationships between group norms, identification, and ingroup bias. 19th National Psychology Congress, oral presentation, İzmir, Türkiye.

Çoksan, S. & Yetim, Ü. (2016). The Relationship between cultural self-construal, authenticity, and life satisfaction among different professions. I. Eurasian Congress on Positive Psychology, oral presentation, İstanbul, Türkiye.

– Works under review or preparation

Çoksan, S., Esses, V., Tercan, M., Uysal, M. S., & Çakmak, H. (under review). The effect of collective punishment on the ingroup identification, ingroup solidarity, and intergroup differentiation among adolescents. Political Psychology – ISPP Small Research Grant Call.

Çoksan, S. & Çakmak, H. (under review). The effects of intergroup helping on supporting social policies among non-WEIRD advantaged group members: A case between Turks and Kurds in Türkiye. Current Psychology.

Çoksan, S. & Üzümçeker, E. (under review). Understanding collective punishment: A systematic review from a social psychology perspective. PLOS ONE Psychology.

Yang, X., Schulz, J., Schmidt, K., Pfuhl, G., Kenny, A., Gjoneska, B., …, Çoksan, S., & Dunham, Y. (under review, registered report stage 2). Large-scale cross-societal examination of real-and minimal-group biases. Nature Human Behaviour.

Çoksan, S., Yasin Tekizoğlu, F., Uysal, M. S., Hartwich, L., Alcañiz-Colomer, J., & Loughnan, S. (under review). When those fleeing the war are blue-eyed and blond-haired: The effects of message content and social identity on dehumanization in four countries with different levels of war supporting norm. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.

Çoksan, S. & Sağlamöz, Ö. F. (under review). Ingroup norms, ingroup identification and ingroup bias among real-life group members. PLOS ONE Psychology.

Abou İsmail, R., Philips J., Cichocka, A., Çakmak, H., Çoksan, S., & Sengupta, N. (under review). Conceptualising and measuring support for collective violence. Aggressive Behavior.

 Chen, S., Szabelska, A., Chartier, C. R., Kekecs, Z., Lynott, D., … Çoksan, S., … Schmidt, K. (under review). Investigating object orientation effects across 14 languages. Current Psychology.

Curtis, P., Miller, J., Buchanen, E., Kekecs, E., Szabelska, A., Aczel, B., Berbabeu, O., … Çoksan, S., … Chartier, C. R. (under review). Global investigation of ‘man’ as default in six social groups. PLOS ONE

Çoksan, S., Esses, V., Uygur, M. E., Pratto, F., Eser, H. B., Espinoza, A., & Uysal, M. S. (preparation). Do not harm the honeybee while trying to catch killer bees: The effects of collective financial punishments. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.

Çoksan, S., Sakallı, N., & Cingöz-Ulu, B. (preparation). Positive outgroup contact is associated with support for social policies among advantaged group members with high ingroup identification, contrary to expectations. European Journal of Social Psychology.

Çoksan, S., Tercan, M., Bagci, S. Ç., & Yıldız-Çoksan, S. (preparation). Reciprocal gifting as a new intergroup contact intervention to reduce negative attitudes toward refugee peers. European Journal of Social Psychology.

Çoksan, S. (preparation). Can deidentification be used to reduce intergroup conflict among advantaged group members? Social Psychology.

Aktürk, S., Yılmaz, A., Demir, F., Çakıroğlu, T., Çobandede, S., & Çoksan, S. (preparation). Does where refugees come from affect the perception of threat to them? Trends in Psychology.

Bagis, K. S., Avcı, Y., İsanç, A. & Çoksan, S. (preparation). The relationship between intergroup contact, system legitimization, and victim blaming in physical attacks on healthcare workers. Current Perspectives in Social Sciences


– Scholarships & Grants

  • Grant for participation in scientific meetings abroad. Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (2024)
  • Scholarship to conduct research abroad during doctoral studies. Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (2021).
  • Successful student support national program scholarship during doctoral education. Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (2017-2020).

– Contests & Awards

  • 2023 – Awarded proposal. Crowdsourcing the next generation of ideas in political psychology. International Society for Political Psychology.
  • 2022 – The most successful thesis of the year. Middle East Technical University.
  • 2019 – Scientific publication award. Middle East Technical University Development Foundation.
  • 2017 – Honorable mention. Young Social Scientists Award Ceremony, master’s thesis category. Turkish Social Sciences Association.

Professional Speaks & Trainings

  • Use of social psychology theories in applied fields: A project example from Türkiye, Guest Lecturer, King’s College, Department of Psychology (March 2024).
  • Do not harm the honeybee while trying to catch killer bees: Social psychological outcomes of collective punishment, Guest Speaker, Western University, NEST Distinguished Speaker Series (December 2023).
  • Using Qualtrics in experimental and correlational studies, Trainer, Erzurum Technical University (May 2023).
  • Determining the minimum number of observations for fundamental analyses: Power analysis with G*Power, Trainer, Erzurum Technical University (May 2023).
  • Computer games and behaviour, Guest Speaker, Ataturk University (January 2023).
  • Computer games and behaviour, Guest Speaker, Psychology Students’ Professional Law Platform (February 2022).
  • Determining the minimum number of observations for fundamental analyses: Power analysis with G*Power, Trainer, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University (May 2021).
  • Determining the minimum number of observations for fundamental analyses: Power analysis with G*Power, Trainer, Middle East Technical University, Political Psychology Lab (December 2020).
  • Computer games and behaviour, Guest Speaker, Mersin University (February 2016).